8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

The way to eat healthy is to consume calories in the right amount according to your activity so that there is a balance between the energy consumed and the energy used by you

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

 Eat a balanced diet

If you eat more than your body needs (eat more than required) then your weight will increase because the energy you do not use gets stored as fat

On the contrary if you eat too little then your weight will be less will be read

Important information for a balanced diet

You should eat different types of food to ensure that the food you are eating is balanced and you are getting all the nutrients that are necessary for a balanced and good health 

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

Most important information about energy 

According to research, men should take 2500 calories (10500 kilojoules) of energy per day

While women should take about 2000 calories (8500 kilojoules) of energy per day

Britain Information about energy consumption 

Most adults in Britain consume more than the required amount of energy If you are eating high calories and want to eat low calories

1 Based your diet on high fiber starchy carbohydrates

About one third of the food you eat should be starchy carbohydrates. This includes potatoes, bread, rice pasta and cereals

Choose high fiber or whole grain varieties like whole wheat pasta, brown rice or potatoes with peels

It has more fiber than starchy carbohydrates

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

Important Information 

When you cook this type of food or have a side dish, keep an eye on the ingredients found on it
For example, oil on chips, Butter on bread and sweet sauce on pasta

2  Consume fruits and vegetables in large quantity

Consume fruits and vegetables regularly

These not only improve your physical health but also your mental health. Due to the nutritious elements found in them, you get balanced energy, your health improves and they also protect us from various types of diseases.

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

3   Eat more fish, which includes oily fish as well

Consumption of fish provides many benefits to us and our health By consuming it, we get a lot of protein.

Fish is a good source of protein and it also contains many vitamins and minerals.

Dieting Plan

Eat at least two fishes every week, which should include at least one part of oily fish.

Omega-3 is present in high amount in oily fish. It may help in preventing heart disease.

4  Reduce the consumption of fat and sugar.

You need some amount of fats in your diet, but it is important to note how much fats you should consume as food. are

Types of fat

There are two types of fat

Specific and Non-Specific

Consuming excessive amount of selective fat increases the cholesterol level in the body due to which the risk of heart disease increases

Important Information about fat

Male should not consume more than 30 grams of selective fat per day

Female should not consume more than 20 grams of selective fat per day

Important Information 

Children up to the age of 11 years should take less selective fat than adults but a diet with less concentration should be taken for children up to the age of 5 years It is not suitable for children of less than 10 years of age. Apart from this, dairy products with limited fat like paneer, curd, etc. are prohibited till the age of 2 years.

Specific fat is found in many dairy products, its list is as follows

butter, raw paneer, cream, cake, biscuits, mixed pieces of meat, etc.

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

Important Information about fat

Always include only dairy products with limited fat in your diet like vegetable oil and spread, oil, fish and avocado.

By the way, all types of fat have more energy. So, they Should be eaten in small quantity


Regularly consuming Chinese food items and beverages increases the risk of obesity and dental problems.

Full of energy

Sweet and raw food and beverages are all full of energy (digested in kilos or calories) if they are used regularly then weight can increase. They can also become a cause of tooth decay especially if they are eaten with food.

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

Information about free suger

Free suger is the  which is mixed in food or beverages

It is naturally found in the juice of honey, syrup and unsweetened fruits


Instead of sugar found in fruits and milk, you should take this What type of Chinese work should be used

            5  Eat less salt

If an adult consumes more than 6 grams of salt a day, he may face diseases like heart disease because eating too much salt can increase your blood pressure which is a big risk for the heart

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

 6 Stay active and maintain a healthy weight

Along with eating healthy food, regular exercise is also necessary to stay healthy. It keeps you physically fit as well as plays an important role in your mental development.

To lose weight, the body needs fewer calories, so eat less and focus more on exercise and consult a doctor to adopt these tips

8 tips for healthy eating - NHS

       7  Don't skip breakfast

Some people skip breakfast because they think skipping breakfast will help them lose weight

But a healthy breakfast rich in fibre and low in fat, sugar and salt can be a good alternative to a balanced diet and help you get the nutrients you need for good health.

8 Don't feel thirsty

Your body needs fluids. The government recommends drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Adequate amounts of fluids improve our health as it flushes out harmful substances from the body which have a profound impact on our health.